A key component of a Modern Infrastructure that can be delivered standalone or as part of our Infrastructure Modernization is our Technology Evaluation and Search Services. It provides a firm with best-practice questions to ask within a standard “Request For Proposal” (RFP) format that is tailored to any specific technology category. Using our best-practice method of weight-rank-score to help executives select a technology that is best suited for their needs and their corporate environment.
Requests for proposals are time consuming and complicated. They need to be thorough. Most firms are ill prepared to take on a “Request For Proposal” (RFP) project especially on a core technology (i.e., CRM, Finance, etc.). Not doing so correctly can leave large gaps and typically requires a redo to another vendor at contract’s end. What are the right questions to ask? That is a common question we get especially for technology vendors outside the firm’s experience (i.e., new types of technology tools not previous used by the firm—marketing technology is a common example). Avoid these common mistakes and ask us to help you get it right the first time.
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