All Investment banks should want to know the investment banking perspectives of their peers with the best practice examples.
Relationship Velocity can help you determine these best practice examples using our Capability Assessment.
What is a capability assessment?
In our Capability Assessment, we give the definitions of best-practice to your stakeholders who identify 10-15 of the capabilities they are familiar with. We ask them to rate how your firm compares to the best-practice definition using a scale of 1-5 and with a reason for why they rate it high or low. We aggregate the results into a single diagram that is color coded (heated) to the 1-5 scale and is supported by a document with their responses. The results show where your company’s strengths and weaknesses are relative to the best-practice definitions. This is compelling for any CEO or Board of Directors because our approach is purely the voice of the employees (not the consultants) identifying the sub-optimized areas. Once identified, weaknesses are discussed and a roadmap for improvement is developed. This is where we separate ourselves from all others. We help implement the improvements, track the results, adjust the path mid-stream if necessary if the results aren’t what we want to achieve the stated goal.

success stories
A wealth management technology company needed marketing and business development support. Outsourced 100% of marketing and sales resulting in 200% increase in revenues in the first year, 100% in the second year - ROI 200%.
Contact Us for a free consultation
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